
A romantic city of Dalian




 Dalian, a city embracing mountains and kissing seas.


 Dalian is a city with ocean culture in its soul. Embracing mountains and kissing seas, Dalian’s culture is old and full of life, charming and wise, she is the city of romance and fashion.

大连位于辽东半岛南端,背倚东北腹地,南与山东半岛隔海相望,是东北亚重要的节点城市。全市陆地总面积12574平方公里,户籍总人口595万,是中国北方重要的港口、工业、贸易、金融和旅游城市;拥有 “全球环境500佳”,“国际花园城市”和 “中国人居环境奖”等殊荣;世界经济论坛夏季达沃斯多次在大连举办,大连是 “中国最佳旅游城市”,首批中国休闲旅游示范城市,有“北方明珠”的美誉。

Located on the southern tip of China’s Liaodong Peninsula, backed by the vast hinterland of Northeast China, and facing the Shandong Peninsula across the sea on the south, Dalian is an important nodal city of Northeast China, covering a total land area of 12,574 square kilometers and having a population of 5.95 million. It is also an important port city of Northern China with functions of industry, trade, finance and tourism. Hailed as the Pearl of North China, Dalian is a recipient of the “Global 500 Roll of Honor for Environmental Achievement”, “International Garden City”, “China Human Settlements and Environment Award”, “Best Tourist City in China” and the first batch of China’s leisure tourism demonstration cities, the world economic forum has been held many times in Dalian.



 图片1星海湾全景   Dalian, a city of color blue


 图片2 东港商务区——城市走向未来的起点   Donggang CBD--Starting point of Dalian city and its future


图片3 旅顺博物馆   Lushun Museum



图片4恐龙探海    Konglongtanhai ( Dinosaur stepping into the sea)


图片5 长山群岛   Changshan Islands


图片6 大连赏槐会  Acacia Flower Festival


图片7大连国际马拉松赛   Dalian International Marathon


图片8 大连国际徒步大会  Dalian International Walking Festival


图片9 东方水城  de l’eau Montage . Artistic and fresh style


图片10复州皮影戏 国家级传承人宋国超 Song Guochao National inheritor of Fuzhou Shadow Puppetry



图片11 黑脸琵鹭 Black-faced spoonbill


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