Title:The Photographer
Directed by: Wei Zhang
Duration: 112mins
Time: 23/02/2023 19:00
Location: 3, Boulevard Joseph II
L-1840 Luxembourg
Free Entry
Synopsis: The trials and hardships of China’s economic reforms left every family that experienced it enough stories to write a novel. There is exactly a family like this in Shenzhen. The talented young husband and photographer becomes absorbed in ‘body art’ during the surging tide in the commodity market, while his beautiful and world-wise wife from Hunan devotes all her time and effort into the financial world. Their son grows up and leads a team devoted to developing his photographic software, but comes into serious conflict with his mother who has a strong desire to invest in projects. This small family with their ups and downs find themselves faced with a family crisis, until finally it draws out a secret story that the husband’s father has kept hidden for decades...
In Mandarin with EN sub-titles.